Saturday, February 19, 2011

Zombie Contingency Plans

As stated in my last post, I will be posting my zombie plan.

First of all, is location. Mine is a boat in the middle of the ocean. Assuming they can't swim, due to lack of air in their lungs, they would walk along the bottom of the ocean. If there were anchors in the water, the zombies could easily climb up it, and kill me. Now if they zombies got smart and worked as a team they could build a pile of their bodies up high enough to reach the surface, but, because i'm not anchored down into place, I drift with the ocean and currents, never really staying in the same place. When storms do arise I have to choose to A) anchor down or B) somehow find a neat little cove to hide in (if I drifted close to the mainland or islands).

Now scavenging becomes a problem wheni'm on a boat which is why, every once in a while, when I reach mainland not completely infested with zombies,I will raid, pillage, and plunder like the pirate I am. Do to the lack of scavenge available to me, i will be sure to stock up on a lot of military rations, ammo and some way to change sea water into distilled water without using fire. Seriously, fire+boat= big explosion of death.

Weapon Choice is always an important decision, do I want a light gun with weak power, or a really heavy gun that will decimate everything in its path? I choose a variety of weapons that vary as situations change. For example, I will always have a 9mm, or Desert Eagle on me at all times, along with a hunting knife. The reason I don't want to use a revolver is becasuse of all that nasty reloading times, even those things that make reloading easier with them need to be reloaded manually. The knife is always a good idea because, in the off chance I run out of ammo, punching zombies is never really a good idea; cutting their heads off though, is defineatly a good idea... unless they can survive without a head, then I am screwed no matter what. Anyways, my weapon of choice would probably be the C7, 5.56 standard NATO rounds are very common around the world, well at least in North America, and the weapon is very accurate and easy to clean. I would only use shotguns at nearly close range, like on my boat. My shotgun of choice though would be, either the spas-24, or the AA-12. Both of them fire at fast rates; the AA-12 is fully automatic and change change mags fairly quickly. Yes I said a shotgun has a magazine, not single round application like some rifles. Snipers are never really a good idea; majority are one shot, re-cock the bolt weapons and are bulky to move around. Good if I am on top of a building shooting the zombie president, but in reality, not very helpful at all. Sub-machine guns are pretty much assault rifles, but with a faster rate of fire and effective range.

The compatriots I would have around me would be a small group of 3-6 persons. Preferably the ratio of males is 1:2. One to cook and clean while the other is helping me save the world, by any means nessesary, the things I do to keep the human race alive. My main reason though of having a small group is to keep the food at respectable levels because I have no idea how long the apocolypse will last.

My research would consist of how the zombies live, how long they live for, and if they can drown underwater. If they drown, I can them drop my anchor anywhere. If they live for a set period of time, i would use my calculus math powress to calculate the best possible to hit the mainland, and if they can only live off human flesh... nevermind that las part, i would be screwed either way.

If you are still human when the zombies attack, meet me in the pacfic ocean.


  1. Well if i need i help during a zombie apocalypse, ill be sure to see you lol and hmm wouldnt a sniper be could as also reconnaissance, for scoping in at nearby land? if assuming the rest of your group can use a gun, then itd be good cover at times.

  2. Well, I'm goin along with Brian on that one but i played left 4 dead, so i know wuts up. plus in the sunlight i can just use my flashbang. inside joke btw.
